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Archival Snapshots

Algorand Archival Snapshots

Nodely maintains daily archival node/relay snapshots as a public S3 compatible bucket

  • Free for all use cases (even for service providers)
  • Ideal for bootstrapping test environments and emergencies
  • Quick: up to 10Gbps of download

Quick Start

Snapshots contain consistent, uncompressed copy of SQLite files as written by go-algorand node.

  1. Setup an archival node and stop it before restoring the content of (main/test/beta)net-v1.0 folder.
  2. Download and install AWS command line utils
  3. Go to your data directory - eg /var/lib/algorand/mainnet-v1.0
  4. (optional) run screen/tmux to make sure the download is not interrupted when you disconnect from the node
  5. Download the archive (replace mainnet with the network of your choice):
Terminal window
export NETWORK=mainnet
export LATEST=$(curl -s$NETWORK/latest)
echo "Latest $NETWORK archival snapshot at $LATEST"
aws configure set s3.max_concurrent_requests 64
aws configure set default.s3.max_bandwidth 1000MB/s
aws --endpoint-url s3 cp s3://$LATEST ./ --recursive --no-sign-request


> Cannot access some files

Download is restricted until complete snapshots are uploaded. Use the script above to download latest complete snapshot.

> Download is slow

Such is the nature of big file transfers over TCP. Try increasing s3.max_concurrent_requests value in the script above.

> Download is going to take more than a day

No worries, archival snapshots are kept for 3 days

> My node is not in sync immediately after download

Just let it catch up to the tip of the chain, it has a day or two worth of data to download from the network.

> My node is not responsive after start

You might have catchup file generation enabled - this requires building of the Merkle Tree before the node becomes responsive. It can take up to an hour.

> Where can I find indexer snapshots ?

Nodely does not yet provide vanilla indexer snapshots (working on it). Try our light indexer for now.


Node snapshots are free and there are no plans to monetize the service.